Experiment airspace raised to 900 ft

An experimental period spanning June15th till December 22th 2024 was opened to test the possibility to raise the AGL height to 900 ft on designated model airfields. During these days, a NOTAM is published to warn full-size manned aviation of the allowance, aiming to convince those pilots not to penetrate the corresponding airspaces (400 m radius and 900 ft height).

This experiement was limited for five clubs:

Lichtervelde, Hamme-Mille, Longvilly, Rognée, Tielt

A specific form was put online to report possible incidents. None was reported during the experimental phase.

Hereunder the general schema of the airspace integrating communiucation channels among sport aircraft and the ground, to allow reciprocal recognition to avoid collisions. This principle will be applicable to the recognition of aeromodelling airfields by genneral aviation pilots, using the ADS-L protocol.

Hereunder, a typical situation where a OGN receiver recognises the proximity of a mobile OGN beacon. The receiver is situated at the airfiled is Grimbergen (black symbol AVX1085) and the beacon (identifier H41348C, red line and red arrow symbol) is a typical device that would be in charge of an aeromodelling airfield. In this case, the beacon was carried along the neighboring road (Humbeeksesteenweg).